• High quality.
• Financial stability.
• Solid partnership during implementation of projects.
• Responsible and experienced specialists.
• Fast order execution.
Work principles
The creator of the main value-added company is a human being, so we always try to evaluate and develop it. The advanced principles of human resource management - partnership, continuous improvement - are key points of our successful business.. Continuing efforts of employees to improve theirselves, make it possible to provide quality services for our clients.
We set the bar for others
• Steel structures production.
• Steel surface threatment and painting.
• Folding, cutting, rolling, welding .
• Reinforcement elements production.
• Production of planar, spatial reinforced steel structures.
• Production of girders, beams , colums, bracings.
Work Principles
10 years of manufacturing excellence with quality at it's best!
UAB „Metalika LT“ „Metalika LT“ main scope – prefabricated stuctural steel for civil and and industrial constructios. We are certified by ISO EN 1090 and ISO EN 3834, therefore we hire qualificated labours and all our welders are certified. Compoany is orientated into long term relationship with partners in construction field, to bring best quality products into the market.
„Metalika LT“ is growing every year and increasing activity not only in Lithuania. We also have partners in Sweden and Norway. Our goal is to offer best price with short term production and perfect quality. Moreover we can offer mounting on-site and design services.
The creator of the main value-added company is a human being, so we always try to evaluate and develop it. The advanced principles of human resource management – partnership, continuous improvement – are key points of our successful business..
Continuing efforts of employees to improve theirselves, make it possible to provide quality services for our clients.
Plasma Cutting
Our CNC machinery can cut steel plates in variety from 2 to 60mm.
Reinforcement bending
Reinforcement bending with CNC machinery up to 6-12mm diameter.
We have experienced partners in steel structural design, static calculations and workshop drawings using BIM and CAD software.
Mounting on-site
Upon request we can mount sturcutres on-site. We are caable to assemble form 200 to 400 tons of steel per month
Steel blasting
We have experienced partners in steel structural deSteel shoot blasting and painting is another service which we provide. Remove rust, clean steel surface up to class SA 2,5m according ISO EN 8503 standart.sign, static calculations and workshop drawings using BIM and CAD software.
Plasma Cutting
Reinforcement bending
Our CNC machinery can cut steel plates in variety from 2 to 60mm.
Reinforcement bending with CNC machinery up to 6-12mm diameter.
We have experienced partners in steel structural design, static calculations and workshop drawings using BIM and CAD software.
Mounting on-site
Steel blasting
Upon request we can mount sturcutres on-site. We are caable to assemble form 200 to 400 tons of steel per month
Steel shoot blasting and painting is another service which we provide. Remove rust, clean steel surface up to class SA 2,5m according ISO EN 8503 standart.

our contributions
Completed projects
We create the future
Solar power plant installation UAB “METALIKA LT”
In order to reduce the intensity of energy consumption, UAB Metalika LT is implementing a project aimed at increasing the consumption of renewable energy resources in the company. During the project, it is planned to install a solar power plant on the roof of the company’s building, which will generate additional energy to ensure a more efficient production process. As these investments are large, the company has applied for EU investment to implement the project. After assessing the benefits of the project, funding was provided from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority 4 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program 2014–2020 “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use”. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836 “Renewable energy resources for industry LT +”. During the implementation of the project, the company plans to install a 150 kW solar photovoltaic power plant. Investments will be made in equipment that will provide an alternative renewable energy source for electricity, not least by replacing the current grid-based energy with renewable solar energy.
Project number: Nr. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836-02-0039
Project title: Solar power plant installation UAB METALIKA LT
Measure – in accordance with Priority 4 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use” Measure No. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-836 “Renewable energy resources for industry LT +”.
Duration of implementation of project activities: from 10 May 2018 to 9 May 2019
Amount of funding allocated: EUR 87 960.00
UAB “METALIKA LT” energy consumption audit
In order to increase the efficiency of the company’s business, it is planned to perform an energy consumption audit in UAB Metalika LT, which would allow detailed analysis of the most energy-intensive areas, analysing the company comprehensively, identify areas (or parts of technological process) where more detailed energy audit. In order to receive EU funding for the project, an application was submitted under Priority 4 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use”. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-804 “Audit for industry LT”. An energy audit would reduce energy uncertainty, allow the company to accurately estimate all energy losses in production processes and equipment, and provide measures to reduce energy losses.
PROJECT DETAILS: Project number: Nr. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-804-02-0017Project title: UAB METALIKA LT energy consumption auditThe project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund – in accordance with Priority 4 “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Production and Use” of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020. 04.2.1-LVPA-K-804 “Audit for industry LT”Duration of project activities: from 12/09/2017 to 29/12/2017Funding amount: 7,000 EU
UAB “METALIKA LT” business process modernization
In order to increase the business efficiency of the company, the company decided to implement a business management system. As these investments are relatively large, an application for EU financial assistance has been submitted. After assessing the benefits of the project, funding was provided from the European Regional Development Fund under Priority 3 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness” Measure No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-806 „E-Business LT. During the implementation of the project, the main business processes of the company were modernized. The modernized business process management system has raised quality indicators as all processes are automatically recorded and tracked. Automation of production processes will help to make better use of the company’s resources – production facilities, available equipment and workers.
PROJECT DETAILS: Project number: Nr. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-806-01-0007Project title: Modernization of UAB METALIKA LT business processesMeasure – in accordance with Priority 3 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness” Measure No. 03.3.1-LVPA-K-806 „E-business LT”Duration of project activities implementation: from 07/04/2016 to 15/09/2017Amount of funding allocated: EUR 22 321.91
UAB “Metalika LT” implementation of technological eco-innovations In order to improve the company’s operations, it was decided to purchase equipment that would be more environmentally friendly. Due to the relatively high level of investment in new equipment, an application for EU investment has been submitted. After assessing the benefits of the project, funding was provided from the European Regional Development Fund under Measure No. 1 of the European Union Funds Investment Actions for 2014–2020 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness”. 03.3.2-LVPA-K-837 “Eco-innovations LT +” third call. It is planned to replace obsolete equipment during the project. With the purchase of new welding equipment and a painting system, the company’s electricity consumption and harmful substances used in the production process will be reduced and one of the company’s goals to become a more environmentally friendly company will be achieved. PROJECT DETAILS: Project number: Nr. No. 03.3.2-LVPA-K-837-03-0080Project title: UAB “Metalika LT” implementation of technological eco-innovationsMeasure – in accordance with Priority 3 of the European Union Funds Investment Operational Program for 2014–2020 Priority 3 “Promotion of Small and Medium Business Competitiveness”. 03.3.2-LVPA-K-837 „Eco-innovations LT +“Duration of project activities: from 09/09/2019 to 26/02/2021Amount of funding allocated: EUR 80,100.00
UAB „Metalika LT“ pagrindinė veiklos sritis – metalo konstrukcijų gamyba pramonei ir civilinei statybai. UAB „Metalika LT“ projektams įgyvendinti naudojamos šiuolaikiškos metalo apdirbimo technologijos.
Susidūrus su pasauline „COVID-19“ pandemija kaip ir daugelis įmonių UAB „Metalika LT” turėjo įvertinti naujas pardavimo galimybes. Įmonė šio projekto įgyvendinimo metu planuoja savo veikloje įdiegti e-komercijos modelio sprendinius, kurie sudarytų sąlygas didinti veiklos efektyvumą ir pardavimo pajamas, bei sėkmingai įveikti COVID-19 pandemijos keliamus iššūkius.
Įvertinus projekto naudą buvo suteiktas finansavimas iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo pagal 2014–2020 metų Europos sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų 13 prioriteto „Veiksmų, skirtų COVID-19 pandemijos sukeltai krizei įveikti, skatinimas ir pasirengimas aplinką tausojančiam, skaitmeniniam ir tvariam ekonomikos atgaivinimui“ priemonės Nr. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 „E. komercijos modelis COVID-19“ kvietimą. Projektas finansuojamas kaip Europos Sąjungos atsako į COVID-19 pandemiją priemonė.
Projekto numeris: Nr. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860-01- 0821
Projekto pavadinimas: E.komercijos modelio diegimas UAB „Metalika LT”
Priemonė – 2014–2020 metų Europos sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų 13 prioriteto „Veiksmų, skirtų COVID-19 pandemijos sukeltai krizei įveikti, skatinimas ir pasirengimas aplinką tausojančiam, skaitmeniniam ir tvariam ekonomikos atgaivinimui“ priemonės Nr. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 „E. komercijos modelis COVID-19“
Projekto veiklų įgyvendinimo trukmė: nuo 2022-02-20 iki 2023-02-20
Skirta finansavimo suma: 46.875,00 EUR